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  Live Vibrantly: 

Elevate Your Health in 28 Days

What exactly does it mean when I say live vibrantly? 

It means:

  • Having the zip to run after your grandkids.

  • Feeling empowered with effective health knowledge backed by science.

  • Gaining freedom from health worries like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or Type 2 diabetes.

  • Feeling amazing when you look in the mirror because you’ve hit your ideal weight.

Hi, I’m Coach Col and I want you to be in the driver’s seat of your health.

I focus on teaching women about plant-powered nutrition because it’s proven to be the best way to optimize your health.


Plant-based nutrition means eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds.


These foods are packed with disease-fighting nutrients.  They are naturally low in calories and fill you up so you’re not hungry all day.  


Working in Cardiac Rehab for 12 years, I learned that small changes to your daily routine can add up.  And that it’s important to start now.


Commit to 28 days of healthier lifestyle changes and you’ll see the evidence yourself.

Does this sound familiar?

Over the past few decades, you’ve sifted through a mountain of advice to find ways to improve your health.


  • You tried diets, but quit after a few weeks because you were starving.

  • You bought expensive exercise videos, but stopped because the first few minutes exhausted you.

  • You read books, but ended up overwhelmed and confused.

  • You even tried advice from your friends and family, but didn’t get the results you hoped. 


And the worst part is, your health isn’t getting any better.  


  • You avoid going to the doctor because you’re afraid of what they’ll say.

  • You feel anxious about signs of health issues like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or high cholesterol but you’re not sure what to do about it.

  • Your family has a history of health issues like heart attacks, cancer or dementia and you feel hopeless to reduce your risk.

You know you need changes to your lifestyle but you’re worried it’s too late to change.

Don’t worry another minute— I’ve got you!  

As a certified Lifestyle Medicine Health Coach, I have the absolute best tips for improving your health no matter what your starting point is.  


I’ve combined:  


  • The healthiest eating habits (Spoiler alert: it’s eating plants!)

  • The easiest ways to get movement in your jam-packed day

  • The best approach for decreasing stress


And it’s all backed by scientific evidence!

Introducing my newest program:

Womens Race Practice

  Live Vibrantly: 

Elevate Your Health in 28 Days

Over four weeks, I’ll break down how to make changes that will positively impact your health! 

What do you get?



The basis of the program is to conquer tiny habits and build on that success.

In Live Vibrantly, you’ll learn:


  • Why plant-based nutrition can give you the results you’re looking for.

  • How to develop the right mindset for lasting change.

  • Why depriving yourself by calorie-counting doesn’t work.

  • How to conquer cravings for good.

  • How to make snacks that don’t undermine your goals. 

  • How to order plant-based meals when dining out.


I’ll give you the information that will empower you to take control of your health in bite-sized nuggets.  So you’ll never get overwhelmed.

Here’s what you’ll get:

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28 short, easy-to-digest videos


You’ll learn how to: 


  • Stock your pantry with foods that give you the most nutrients

  • Keep an eye out for the foods that will derail your efforts

  • Align your Circadian Rhythm so you’re eating at optimal times

  • Combat those annoying weight loss plateaus

10 tools to guide you towards success


Print them out to track your progress, including:


  • Daily Action Steps Tracker

  • Healthy Snack Ideas

  • Plant-Based Swaps Cheat Sheet

  • Plant-Based Essentials Shopping List

  • Oil-Free Dressing Formula

  • Fail-Proof Tips to Incorporate More Fiber

Homemade Food Swaps
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4 weeks of meal plans with 50+ delicious plant-based recipes


You’ll enjoy colorful, creative meals such as:

  • Creamy Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta

  • Cauliflower Tacos with Lime Crema

  • Vegan Cheese Melt with Tomato and Basil Pesto

  • Zucchini Bread Overnight Oats

  • Hot Chocolate Smoothie

  • Mojito Sorbet


* Includes complete weekly shopping list *

12 Workout Videos that won’t feel impossible


These workouts will: 

  • Stealthily sneak movement in your day!

  • Use common items in your home.

  • Get all major muscle groups moving.

  • Meet you “where you are” right now.

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Membership to the private Live Vibrantly Facebook Community 


Hang out with ladies who are taking charge of their health just like you.


  • Share success stories.

  • Work through daily struggles.

  • Share recipes and workout ideas!

  • Ask questions all day, every day!

  • Get support for the hard work you’re doing to live vibrantly!

You’ll get all this for less than the cost of TWO HOURS with an exclusive Health Coach.

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How is this Different?


Listen, I know it isn’t easy taking on a lifetime of habits.  I’m sure you’ve got some doubts.  Right now you might be thinking:

“I haven’t exercised since leg-warmers were in fashion.”  


No worries!  This program is designed to start you out slow with small steps to build the habit of exercise.  I’ll give you exercises that you can do in your home using your body resistance to work out all major muscle groups.

“Diets don’t work for me.  I always end up starving, so I quit.” 


This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change.  You won’t have to count calories, weigh your food or even worry about portion sizes. I will teach you about calorie-density and how you can use it to lose weight while eating more.  It’s all about getting the right nutrients.  I promise — you’ll never feel like you’re starving over the next 28 days!

“I’m so exhausted from everything else I have to do that I barely have time for myself!”  


I understand. I’ve been there myself.  My course includes a section on how to manage your stress so you’re not sabotaging your efforts.

“I’ve started other programs but haven’t finished.  How is this going to be different?"


People who have accountability are proven to have a higher chance of success.  The last thing I want is for you to give up because you’re frustrated or unsure of what to do next! 

Which is why I’ve included this extra support...

BONUS:  Hang out with a Certified Health Coach for FREE!

Each week you’re invited to a LIVE group meeting on Zoom where I’ll give cooking tips, answer questions, troubleshoot potential roadblocks and celebrate your progress!


I usually charge $80 for a 60-minute session for 1:1 coaching.  You will get the best of both worlds in these weekly calls;  free access to me to ask any questions for your situation and motivation of hearing the challenges and success of other members.  


These weekly calls will be your personal dose of inspiration at no additional cost!

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Still have Questions?



How long will I have access to the material?  For life!  You can review topics whenever you’d like.  You will also receive any updates to the material at no additional cost.


Is a plant-based diet the same as a vegan diet?  No.  Vegans do not eat any animal products but that does not necessarily mean they have a whole-food, plant-based focus.  For example, Oreos are vegan but I’m sure you agree that they don’t contribute to better health.  My program centers around the most optimal, plant-based nutrients to improve your health.


If I miss one of the live group meetings, is there a way I can re-watch it?   Yes!  All weekly group meetings will be recorded and sent to your email.


What if I have more questions after completing the course?  


I’ve got three options for you:  


  1.  Ask me on our weekly support call.

  2. Tap into your community in the FB group.

  3. Sign up for 1:1 coaching with me.

Coach Col’s Guarantee

I want you to have the tools you need to make permanent changes to improve your health.  


As part of the Living Vibrantly community, I promise I will be here to:


  • Answer your questions

  • Provide you with the resources to get the results you want

  • Give you the support you need throughout your journey



I believe in you and I’m 100% committed to your success!

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LV Coming Soon

Ready to take control of your health?
Let’s do it together! 

The next Live Vibrantly is coming soon!

Get Started Today for Free!

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Click here to sign up

© 2021 by Colleen Montgomery. 

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