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1 Game-Changing Natural Weight Loss Tip You Must Know

Don’t eat less. Eat smart! Apply this simple, healthy concept that helps you lose weight without deprivation or hunger.

Healthy, plant-based salad. Low calorie, high fiber foods can help lead to natural weight loss without counting calories or reducing portion sizes.

Weight. Ugh. Weight loss. Uuugh. 


It’s that pesky, nagging, confusing thing that is always a topic and never seems to budge.


Many people spend years cycling between the quickest way to lose weight and trying out the latest fad weight loss program.


(Could you imagine if we dedicated those years instead to establishing lifelong healthy eating habits? We all could have achieved our ideal weight years ago!)


You, on the other hand, try so hard to eat a balanced diet of healthy foods so that you can achieve healthy weight loss.


It’s no wonder that it’s hard to maintain your weight loss motivation!


Well, guess what? Natural, lasting weight loss can be achieved when we focus on two important things:

  1. Nourishing our bodies with nutrient-packed foods, that also happen to be low in calories.

  2. Being purposeful in establishing healthy habits that we enjoy and can sustain for the rest of our lives.


More on that in a minute!


My Weight Philosophy

Let’s start by saying that you are NOT your weight. 


You are a loved mother, daughter, sister, friend. Your self-worth is and never will be dictated by that darn number on the scale. You are everything, and that number, well, it’s just that - a number.

Nevertheless, weight is an emotional topic. It drives many of us crazy. Weight loss for women can be especially difficult. So if it matters to you, it matters to me.


As a health coach, what I care about is that you are healthy and enjoy a good quality of life. So if we must discuss weight, then let’s do it with the framework that you are the wonderful and caring you. And, oh yeah, there’s that number that deserves a sliver of attention so that you can enjoy being you for a long, long time.


How Does Weight Affect My Heart?

It’s a fact. Weight affects your heart health in many ways. Fat tissue does not lay dormant in our body. It is actually very metabolically active.

 Excess weight, especially abdominal weight (around your midsection), can:

  • Increase blood pressure

  • Cause systemic inflammation

  • Increase cholesterol (and yet lower HDL “good” cholesterol)

  • Increase triglycerides

  • Cause insulin resistance (which can lead to type 2 diabetes)

Not to mention, many people report increased joint pain and less energy due to their weight. This ultimately stands in the way of us being active.

Achieving a healthy weight not only lowers your risk of heart disease, it can make us feel great both physically and mentally.

Ready to focus on just one concept to achieve natural weight loss for good?

Let’s do this!


What is Calorie Density?

When it comes to weight loss, deprivation does not work. Hunger always wins. As soon as we give in to our hunger and revert back to our old ways, the weight comes back. This is the cycle of chronic dieting. 

That’s where calorie density comes in.

Calorie density is the measure of the calorie content of food relative to its weight or volume. 

There is a shocking 40-fold difference in the amount of calories in 1 pound of the lowest calorie dense foods and the highest calorie dense foods.

For example, calorie density ranges between 100 calories per pound in non-starchy veggies to 4,000 calories per pound in oil!

Of course you’re not going to eat a pound of oil! Instead, this chart gives you perspective on how foods compare when it comes to calories and what sneaky foods are standing in the way of weight loss.

The following chart compares the calorie content in 1 pound of various foods.

Love Your Veggies recipe ebook. Grow your love for veggies with over 45 mouth-watering recipes that star and also hide high fiber, low calorie, and nutient dense veggies.
Love Your Veggies ebook. An action plan to decrease your waistline, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attack risk, and even wrinkles with veggies. Increase your affection for veggies with 19 creative ideas and over 45 veggie-inspired recipes.
Make one change today that can have a HUGE impact on your health. 
Love Your Veggies Action Plan + Recipe eBook
Calorie Density Weight Loss Chart. Foods low in calorie density such as plant-based foods, including whole grains, non-starchy and starchy vegetables, fruit, and legumes can lead to natural weight loss without limiting calories or portions.

Why is the Range of Calorie Density So Wide?

Every food is made up of 3 macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fat.


There are:

  • 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrate

  • 4 calories in 1 gram of protein

  • 9 calories in 1 gram of fat

So, one main reason why foods differ so dramatically in calorie content is because of their fat content. Oil, for example, is pure fat, making it the most calorie dense food out there.


What other foods are high in fat? Animal foods and processed foods. Eggs are about 700 calories per pound, meat between 1,000 and 1,500 calories per pound, and cheese around 1,700 calories per pound. Processed foods range anywhere from 1,400 to 2,500 a pound.


How Does Calorie Density Help You Lose Weight?

One of the keys here is to not worry about the volume of food (AKA portions) that you're eating.This can seem counterintuitive for those with a history of dieting.

Instead, humans are highly successful in losing weight when they eat plenty of foods that are 600 calories per pound or less.


These low-calorie foods include:

  • Non-starchy veggies (average: 100 calories per pound)

  • Fruit (average: 300 calories per pound)

  • Starchy veggies, such as potatoes, squash, and corn (average: 400 calories per pound) 

  • Whole grains, whole grain pasta, and rice (average: 500 calories per pound)

  • Legumes, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas (average: 600 calories per pound)

All of these foods are so low in calories for three important reasons. 


They contain:


  1. Water

  2. Fiber

  3. And bulk (or volume)


These 3 things are important to consider when you're choosing foods to lose weight. A 500 calorie plate of fruits and veggies can easily fill up your stomach while 500 calories of oil would just skim the bottom. Therefore, that plate of fruit and veggies will fill you up and keep you satiated for hours.


The takeaway is this:


Don’t Eat Less. Eat Smart!

Like I said, deprivation does not work in the long run. Hunger will always win.

So, instead of limiting portions and depriving yourself, eat smarter! Load up on foods on the left side of the chart and there will be less room for the foods on the right.

In fact, those that eat a whole food, plant-based diet generally do not count calories or limit portions. There is absolutely no hunger or deprivation

Instead, they actually make sure they eat plenty of whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables (the higher calorie foods on the left side of the chart) so that they get enough calories to feel full and meet their body’s needs. They simply eat until they are satisfied. 

There are some foods that are very nutritious but also high in fat, so they may not help you in the way of weight loss.


Nutritious but high-calorie foods include:

  • Nuts and nut butters

  • Seeds

  • Tahini

  • Avocados

  • Olives

  • Dried fruit


It may be better to put less emphasis on these foods as part of your weight loss plan if you are not achieving your goals in a realistic amount of time. 


How Can I Eat More Vegetables, Fruit, Whole Grains, and Legumes?


Ready to establish healthy eating habits so you can enjoy your ideal weight for the rest of your life? That is where a health coach comes in.


With my clients I encourage simple and practical steps to make changes that last - like these:


  • Treat Your Veggies Like a Steak: Who eats a plain steak - no marinade, no sauce, no lovin’? No one! Show veggies the same amount of love and experiment with marinades and fun cooking techniques.

  • Expose Yourself to New Plant-Based Foods, try veggies and fruit again that you haven’t had in awhile, and try new ways to cook or flavor them. Our taste buds adapt to new ways of eating (this is called neuroplasticity). They learn to love new foods with time. 

  • Hide Your Veggies: In veggie-powered dips, sauces, or smothered under a delicious plant-based “parmesan.”


Find more incredibly creative ways to eat your veggies along with mouth-watering recipes  - your affection for veggies will grow instantly!


The Takeaway

Calorie density is the measure of the calorie content of food relative to its weight or volume. 

Calorie density can move you towards healthy weight loss that stays off for good, making it one of the best ways to lose weight.


Take these steps to use this concept to your advantage:


  • Do NOT deprive yourself! This is not sustainable. Instead, load up on foods that are 600 calories per pound or less (see the chart above)

  • Be mindful of healthy but high caloric foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives

  • Remember that high-calorie foods (aka high fat foods) include animal foods and processed foods. Look for creative ways to limit them and replace them, instead of simply cutting them out (like with these incredible “pulled pork” tacos or with these healthy egg replacements for baking)

  • Be creative and grow your love for healthy, low-calorie foods with out-of-the-box ideas like these


Start today with establishing healthy eating habits that you enjoy and can maintain and you will successfully achieve natural weight loss, for good.

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Overwhelmed by too many changes at once? Get started right now with just ONE meaningful change that can have a huge impact on your weight! Check out my Love Your Veggies Action Plan and 48 Recipe eBook for easy ways to eat more vegetables and mouth-watering recipes to get you started. 


Why stop there? Grab my FREE 7-Day Meal Plan packed with low-calorie and super tasty meals to jumpstart your weight loss journey right away.


Consider my Live Vibrantly: Elevated Your Health in 28 Days -  I’ll tell you what to do up front and also teach you along the way exactly how to change your habits - for good. This includes weekly live support from me and like-minded peers. 

© 2023 by Colleen Montgomery. 

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